Module 1 Key Dates and Curriculum Information

KO Assessment: 6th – 17th March (All subjects, all year groups)

Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 Key Stage 5

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Information

  • Language and Literature (English): Novel – A Monster Calls – tracking physical and metaphorical journeys
    MYP Assessment Criteria: B, C and D
  • Maths: Prime factor decomposition, conceptualising and comparing fractions.
    MYP Assessment Criteria: TBC
  • Science: Particles and Elements, Forces
    MYP Assessment Criteria: B, C and D
  • Language Acquisition (Spanish): My Town
    MYP Assessment Criteria: None
  • Individuals and Societies (History): Conflict at home and abroad (the Crusades, Hundred Years’ War)
    MYP Assessment Criteria: B and C
  • Individuals and Societies (Geography): The UK’s weather and climate
    MYP Assessment Criteria: B and C
  • Physical and Health Education (PE): Fitness: Structure of a joint.
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B and D
  • Design (IT): Flow charts and computational thinking.
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A
  • Individuals and Societies (Philosophy and Ethics): Dharmic faiths
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A and B
  • Arts: 2D to 3D – IDU with Drama
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D
  • Arts (Drama): Green Theatre
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D
  • Physical and Health Education (PE):  Choreography.  Boys – gymnastics/ Health Related Fitness and girls – rugby/ football
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B and C
  • Arts (Dance): Choreography in relation to imagery
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D
  • Arts (Music): Musical theatre skills
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D
  • Design (D&T): Graphical Products – Storage box, Resistant Materials  – Storage box, CAD – Logo, Food – Knife skills
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D
  • Language and Literature (English): Words at work – non fiction. Reviews, Travel writing, Articles and Letter Writing
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A
  • Maths: Direct and inverse proportion and reasoning with data
    MYP Assessment Criteria: TBC
  • Science:Separating techniques, Ecology
    MYP Assessment Criteria: B and C
  • Language Acquisition (Spanish): Holidays
    MYP Assessment Criteria: None
  • Individuals and Societies (History): Causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution
    MYP Assessment Criteria: B and C
  • Individuals and Societies (Geography): World Cities
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A and D
  • Physical and Health Education (PE): Fitness: Energy systems
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B and D
  • Design (IT): Advanced Graphics
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A and B
  • Individuals and Societies (Philosophy and Ethics): Faith in the community
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B and C
  • Arts: Cultural heritage
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D
  • Arts (Drama): Styles of Theatre – Physical Theatre
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D
  • Physical and Health Education (PE):  Choreography.  Boys – gymnastics/ Health Related Fitness and girls – rugby/ football
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B and C
  • Arts (Dance): Choreography in relation to imagery
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D
  • Arts (Music): Blues
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D
  • Design (D&T): Graphical Products – Mechanical toy, Resistant Materials  – Mechanical toy, CAD – Greenhouse and Food – Greggs.
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D
  • Language and Literature (English): Poems from GCSE poetry anthology
    MYP Assessment Criteria: B, C and D
  • Maths: Enlargement and similarity, angles and trigonometry
    MYP Assessment Criteria: TBC
  • Science: Key concepts in Biology, Atoms and Periodic Table
    MYP Assessment Criteria: B and C
  • Language Acquisition (Spanish): Healthy living
    MYP Assessment Criteria: None
  • Individuals and Societies (History): The Cold War: How did two superpowers emerge and compete after WW2?
    MYP Assessment Criteria: B and C
  • Individuals and Societies (Geography): Global development
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A and D
  • Physical and Health Education (PE): Badminton: Energy systems
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B and D
  • Design (IT): Website challenge
    MYP Assessment Criteria: C and D
  • Individuals and Societies (Philosophy and Ethics): Value of Life
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A and D
  • Arts: Change – social comparison
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D
  • Arts (Drama): Texts in practice
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D
  • Physical and Health Education (PE):  Choreography.  Boys – gymnastics/ Health Related Fitness and girls – rugby/ football
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B and C
  • Arts (Dance): Choreography – creating and communicating narrative
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D
  • Arts (Music): Musical futures
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D
  • Design (D&T): Graphical Products – Lighting, Resistant Materials  – Lighting, CAD – Flat pack and Food – Street food.
    MYP Assessment Criteria: A, B, C and D

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Information

  • English: 20th Century Drama – An Inspector Calls
  • Maths: Circles, constructions, loci, circle theorems, proportion, ratio and  percentage change
  • Biology: Health and Disease
  • Chemistry: Acids and Alkalis
  • Physics: Radioactivity
  • Spanish: Home and town, Environment
  • History: Conflict and Tension, 1918-1939: Part 3 – the steps to WW2
  • Geography: The Living World (Tropical Rainforests and Hot Deserts)
  • OCR Sport Science:  Unit R181 TA3 – Organising and planning a fitness programme
  • AQA Sport Science: Movement analysis – Levers – Planes and Axis
    End of semester test and seneca tasks
  • Computer Science: Programming Fundamentals
  • iMedia: Graphics – Developing visual identity
  • Sociology: Education
  • Film Studies: District 9 – narrative focus
  • Media Studies: Film Industry – Marketing and Distribution focus – James Bond (No Time to Die) + Radio Industry and Audience (Archers)
  • Fine Art: In focus
  • Textiles: Transformation – Identity portrait
  • Graphics: Transport for London
  • Photography: Distortion
  • Drama: (Component 2) Devising drama and (Component 1) understanding drama
  • GCSE Dance:  Shadows Performance piece
  • BTEC Dance: Component 1 Exploring the performing arts
  • Music: One More Time and Composition 1
  • Product Design: Electronic systems, components and mechanical devices
  • Food Nutrition: Food spoilage and provenance
  • Hospitality: Food science
  • Business Studies: Making the business effective
  • English: Revision of all content and skill
  • Maths: Revision based on QLAs and key topics at each grade
  • Biology: Revision and reteach
  • Chemistry: Revision and reteach
  • Physics: Revision and reteach
  • Spanish: Revision of content
  • History: Health and the People, c.1000 – present day
  • Geography: Global and UK Urban Issues and Issue evaluation
  • OCR Sport Science: Unit RO43 – LO2/LO3 and Unit RO42 – completing training plan
  • AQA Sport Science: Nutrition, Ethics in sport
    End of semester test and seneca tasks and Coursework
  • Computer Science: Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impact
  • IT: Coursework unit
  • RE: Crime and punishment
  • Sociology: Social stratification
  • Film Studies: Comparing American Film – Ferris Bueller and Critical Film Writing – Juno
  • Media Studies: TV Crime Drama + Context, Industry/Audience (Luther & The Sweeney)
  • Fine Art: Externally set exam
  • Textiles: Externally set exam
  • Graphics: Externally set exam
  • Photography: Externally set exam
  • Drama: (Component 1) Understanding drama. (Component 3) Scripted Texts
  • GCSE Dance:  Critical appreciation
  • BTEC Dance: Component 2 Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts and Component 3 Responding to a brief
  • Music: Composition 2 and revision
  • Product Design: Evaluation
  • Food Nutrition: Exam technique and evaluation
  • Hospitality: Practical: Making the dishes
  • Business Studies: Making financial decisions

Key Stage 5 Curriculum Information

  • English Language: Language and Identity
  • English Literature: Hard Times and Atonement – modern poetry
  • Maths: Probability Distributions, Forces and Motions, Variable Acceleration Equations
  • Biology: Transport in animals and plants
  • Chemistry: Organic Chemistry- common reaction pathways of organic compounds including alcohols, haloalkanes and CFCs.Periodic Table, Physical Chemistry (energy changes in reactions & rate of reaction)
  • Physics: Electricity and Magnetic fields
  • Forensic Science: Enzymes, diffusion, sampling techniques, fuels and electrical circuits
  • Spanish: Cronica – Literature
  • History: USA – From Civil War to World War 1865-1920.  Britain – The search for stability 1922-1929
  • Politics: UK – Judiciary, Democracy and Participation.  USA – The Executive Branch and Judiciary
  • Geography: Shaping Places – Diverse Places.  Globalisation and Superpowers
  • Sport Science: Section A – Musculoskeletal system + Nutrition.  Section B –  Learning Theories and Information Processing Model.  Section C – Benefits of Sport  + Sport england
  • BTEC Sport: Unit 1 – Energy Systems and Unit 2 – Exam Preparation
  • Computer Science: Databases and networks
  • ICT Cam Nats: Coursework – Web design
  • Psychology: Approaches, memory and psychopathology
  • Sociology: Education
  • Film Studies: New Hollywood – Do the Right Thing – Comparative writing and Global Foreign Language Film – City of God
  • Media Studies: Newspaper set products (Times and Daily Mirror) and Independent film Industry, marketing + Distribution (Daniel Blake)
  • Fine Art: Oils – Colour application and theory
  • Textiles: Costume design – construction
  • Graphics: The Art of Illusion
  • Photography: Music and photography
  • Drama: Component 2) Creating original drama. (Component 3) Exploring Hedda Gabler – Set-text
  • Dance: CAPA335  Repertory Dance Performance – Internal, CAPA322 Repertory Dance Performance – Internal, CAPA329 Dance Technique and Performance 1 – Internal, CAPA334 Leading Dance – Internal
  • Music: Practical skills in theory and harmony
  • Product Design: Processes and Industrial practice
  • Business Studies: Planning and managing finance
  • Finance: Financial capabilities for the medium and long term
  • English Language: Language change
  • English Literature: Othello & Victorian verse
  • Maths: Projectile Motion, Variable acceleration, Differentiation and Numerical Methods. Methods of Integration
  • Biology: Manipulating Genomes (DNA sequencing, PCR, electrophoresis, GM and gene therapy – lots of modern lab / forensic techniques and how they were developed
  • Chemistry: Organic chemistry- integrated analytical chemistry techniques: using quantitative data such as various forms of spectroscopy combined with qualitative testing to discern the identities of unknown organic compounds.  Energy in reactions, Transition Metals.  Revision for final exams
  • Physics: Space, gravitational fields and oscillations
  • Spanish: Revision of content – speaking and writing
  • History: USA – The Superpower 1945-1975.  Britain – The people’s war and peace 1939-1951
  • Politics: Socialism, Conservatism and Nationalism
  • Geography: Carbon Cycle and Revision and finalise NEA
  • Sport Science: Section A – biomechanics.  Section B – Cohesion + Revision.  Section C – Commercialisation + Technology
  • BTEC Sport: Unit 7 – Practical Sports Performance.  Unit 3 -Professional Development in the Sports Industry.  Coursework
  • Computer Science: Revision and finalise NEA
  • ICT Cam Nats: Moderation
  • Psychology: Schizophrenia; Issues and debates
  • Sociology: Stratification and differentiation
  • Film Studies: Core study areas, narrative and ideology.  Russian Silent Film Strike (1925) /Experimental Film, Auteur theory, Pulp Fiction (1994) Narratives + Ideological Perspective of UK Film (This is England)
  • Media Studies: Media in the Online Age – Attitude Magazine Website.  Newspaper Industry
  • Fine Art: Externally set exam
  • Textiles: Externally set exam
  • Graphics: Externally set exam
  • Photography: Externally set exam
  • Drama: External unit (Component 3) Scripted Unit and (Component 1) Understanding Drama
  • Dance: CAPA331 Ensemble Dance Performance – Internal, CAPA306 Planning for a Career in the Creative & Performing Arts – Internal Core, CAPA304e- Performance Preparation- External
  • Music: Externally set exam
  • Product Design: Revision techniques
  • Business Studies: Global marketing & multinational companies
  • Finance: Sustainability of the financial services industry