Dear Parents and Caregivers,
I hope this letter finds you all well,
If you are receiving this letter then your child is now part of our Silver Duke of Edinburgh Cohort for 2024. By now you should all be able to make payments on Scopay and if you have any questions about this then please just let me know. I mentioned at the information evening that a discount would be offered to those who fall into our Pupil Premium category and I will be in contact with you all soon to let you know how this looks. Again, if you have any concerns with the payment of this award then please just let me know.
On Tuesday 28th January, during lesson 3, Katrina from the DofE will be coming into school, and with myself, we will meet with all of our DofE Silver students for this year. This will be to sign each child up to the eDofE online system and for each child to put in details of what they will be completing for each of the three sections. Before this I will run some lunchtime sessions for these students who need support in choosing activities to complete. After this session each student will be in a position to upload evidence and a welcome pack will be posted out to everyone. This pack contains all of the information you need to see through the Award this year and will also include some Assessor Reports and a discount card for you all. From this session students are then free to complete their sections and upload as much evidence as they would like. A weekly lunchtime support session will be running available for all students and details of this will be posted onto the new DofE Silver Google Classroom which I will start inviting students to today. For those students who completed the Bronze award, the same activities can be carried on.
If your child has already started an activity that could count towards their DofE, say they are regularly attending a football training session on the weekend, or they are regularly volunteering at a church excetera, then they just need to keep a note of this, this can be written or just take a few photos, then when they are set up we can upload these. For the session on the 28th, each student must arrive with a chromebook or a phone please.
Details of this years Award can also be found on the Mascalls website –
In the meantime if you have any questions or worries about the Award then please as ever, do not hesitate to contact me,
Mr Sam Collis | Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator