What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium refers to the additional funding allocated to publicly funded schools in England with the aim of improving the academic performance of disadvantaged students and narrowing the achievement gap between them and their peers.
Schools have the freedom to utilise the Pupil Premium funding as they deem appropriate. However, they are also held responsible for demonstrating how they have effectively utilised the additional resources.
The Principal and school governing body are accountable for the impact of Pupil Premium funding through various means:
- Performance tables, which provide a comparison of the academic performance of disadvantaged students with their peers.
- Schools are required to publish annual online reports detailing how they have utilised the pupil premium funding and the resulting impact on student achievement.
- The Ofsted inspection framework places emphasis on the attainment of student groups, particularly those who benefit from the Pupil Premium.
At Mascalls Academy, we receive a ‘Pupil Premium Grant’ from the government for each student who is eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) or has been eligible at any point in the past six years. This also extends to students who are or have been in the care of the Local Authority, as well as children of armed services personnel.
Our objectives in utilising the Pupil Premium Grant are as follows:
- Removing barriers to learning to ensure that Pupil Premium students continue to make progress at least in line with, or even surpass, national expectations.
- Accelerating student progress and raising academic attainment to further reduce the achievement gap among Pupil Premium students throughout the school.
- Supporting social and emotional development to create an environment conducive to learning.
- Providing a wide range of experiences and opportunities for students, ensuring their full engagement in all aspects of Hayes School life.
- Ensuring smooth and well-supported transitions for students, including their future destinations.
For a detailed breakdown of our Pupil Premium expenditure and its impact on student outcomes, please refer to the attached report.
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24Food Banks
Families in need of food banks or who wish to make donations can find further details via the links below:
Free School Meals (FSM) Online Applications
To apply for Free School Meals (FSM), please see the following link: