Careers Education

Mascalls Academy is dedicated to supporting students in achieving access to impartial careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) to all students from Year 7 to Year 13. Students are supported to make informed choices and decisions about their future, develop their skills, knowledge and experience to enable them to enter and be successful in the world of work and their future lives.

We coordinate work related learning opportunities, including work experience and employer links, while working closely with all subject areas and providers to ensure students receive current, up-to-date information and experiences of work and labour market information.

Students are able to access independent careers advice and guidance, particularly at key transition stages.

Emma Honey
Careers Lead KS3 and KS4

Claire Shaw-Kew
Careers Lead for KS5

Karen Marsh

Student Entitlement

At Mascalls Academy we aim to prepare each student to aspire to and fulfil their career aspirations, supported by:

  • Clear and impartial information, advice and guidance.
  • Clear impartial advice and information about all the options available so that informed choices and decisions can be made.
  • Qualified people to help with decision-making on the most appropriate further education, higher education, training or employment.
  • Appropriate and relevant advice and guidance to help make choices and seek to develop a career plan for the future.
  • A programme of careers education to help identify and develop skills and qualities to support the transition from school into the world of work and/or further learning.
  • Personal support and information on progress.

There is the opportunity for each student to:

  • Be involved in decision making
  • Learn about the world of work
  • Experience the world of work
  • Develop independent learning skills

Students must continue with some form of accredited studying or learning while in education, training or employment until they are 18 years old.

Mascalls Academy has achieved the Investor in Careers quality kitemark.

The careers department is located in H Block and provides access to careers information for researching different career pathways.  Students have access to information via a careers library where they can access books, leaflets, magazines, college prospectuses and job vacancies. Students are also able to access career software packages and speak to the careers advisor for guidance and support.

Includes self-development, career exploration and career management enabling students to make informed choices and decisions about their future and gives information and advice on further and higher education, apprenticeships and employment.

Delivered through lessons, advisory sessions, group and one-to-one sessions and specific events and includes support for option choices and work experience. All students in Year 7-13 have access to Unifrog which is an online platform designed to aid research and to help students realise their potential. 

Regular employer talks and visits support the careers education programme.

One-to-one and group interviews offer the opportunity to discuss ideas, find out more information and develop an action plan to help make informed decisions about career pathways. For a careers interview please email to arrange.

Students attend a one-week work placement in Year 12 which is related to their career interests and aspirations. The placement supports students to explore career pathways to ensure they make informed decisions when deciding on their Post-18 options.

Mascalls Academy supports students who wish to arrange their own placements.

We are proactive in developing employer and community links and are a member of Paddock Wood Business Association (PWBA) and supported by local and national employers.

We maintain strong links with our alumni and welcome former Mascalls Academy students to get in touch with us about how they can get involved with working with our students or offering their services as part of a programme of employer/industry talks. 

If you would like to know more about how you make a difference to our students, please contact our administrator Karen Marsh in the first instance:

Downloads and Links


The Careerometer widget provides access to a selection of headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects.

The data are organised by occupation: simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. The Careerometer 2 widget explains how to use the widget on websites.

More detailed information regarding different job roles can be found on the National Careers Service website.

Careers Policies

Making Choices

You have some important decisions to make in terms of what will occur after Year 11. It is important to make the right decisions as the next three years of your education could shape your whole career path and working life.

Due to the raising of the participation age you will have to stay in education / training until your 18th birthday. This means that after you have completed Year 11 you must continue some form of accredited studying or training. This could be at school, college or in the workplace.  It does not mean that you have to stay on at school after Year 11

Researching careers

Some things you may want to consider when looking at the options and possible future decisions:

  • What are your strengths and areas for improvement?
  • What do you enjoy?
  • What are your expected grades?
  • Are these grades realistic?
  • Do you have a career idea in mind?
  • Are you considering university in the future?

It helps to start planning and researching into some of your ideas at the end of Year 10 so you are prepared to make these decisions at the early stage of Year 11. Talk with your parents/carers, advisors, teachers and other students.

Researching careers

Some things you may want to consider when looking at the options and possible future decisions:

  • What are your strengths and areas for improvement?
  • What do you enjoy?
  • What are your expected grades?
  • Are these grades realistic?
  • Do you have a career idea in mind?
  • Are you considering university in the future?

It helps to start planning and researching into some of your ideas at the end of Year 10 so you are prepared to make these decisions at the early stage of Year 11. Talk with your parents/carers, advisors, teachers and other students.