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We have designed our curriculum using the KS3 National Curriculum and it is delivered under the framework of the IB Middle Years programme. We have also referenced the KS2 Programmes of Study in our initial planning.

Within the Design department we strive to develop students to become independent, competent thinkers. Pupils will be provided with opportunities to be curious and communicate successfully whether this be in examinations or in response to real world situations. Design and technology intends on evolving our pupils to become product designers and/or food practitioners, encouraging problem-solving, creativity and opportunities for being innovative through exploration of the design process.

We develop students life skills as well as offering opportunities for career pathways ensuring pupils leave with a wide depth of transferable skills. Our success is measured through their portfolios and final practical outcomes.

KS3 design & technology

Topic 1

Follow a brief and plan for research. Exploring Wooden boxes. Understanding the need for a target market and creating a customer profile. Exploring types of wood and exploring the properties of woods and how they impact choice also being aware of what sustainability means when exploring woods. Explore joining techniques and demonstrate making a comb joint evaluating after.   Be able to explore products using analysis techniques and be able to conclude findings.

Topic 2

Writing a specification and a final design brief. Learn drawing techniques one point and two point perspective and rendering techniques. Being able to apply these techniques to everyday products.  Design ideas for their storage boxes and be able to use annotations to communicate ideas using ACCESS FM. Be able to apply subject knowledge from prior research.  Be able to use prototyping and testing to develop a final solution.

Topic 3

Learn to use the fret saw, pillar drill and a range of hand tools safely. Be able to create a plan to make and effectively plan the manufacture of the box along with timings and thought around health and safety/risk assessment. Independently create a box using the tools and equipment. Explore finishes and how to achieve quality in practical work.  Each pupil will create a comb jointed box with a lid that would have been designed and created by the pupils. 

Evaluating the final product. Considering ways to test and be able to evaluate. Considering peer assessment/self assessment/ being able to evaluate against a specification criteria. Considering the environmental impact of the product and its effect on natural resources.

Statement of Inquiry

To be updated

Key Concept(s)

To be updated

Related Concept(s)

To be updated

Students will utilise a range of CAD software packages and CAM manufacturing techniques to develop a culturally inspired tea light holder. By utilising iterative conceptual design techniques the students will understand how CAD / CAM can be used to create unique designs that can be adapted to suit individual needs.

Statement of Inquiry

To be updated

Key Concept(s)

To be updated

Related Concept(s)

To be updated

To understand Healthy eating and nutrition. To consider the impact of Diet and lifestyle.  Health and safety/hygiene and cutting skills/techniques.

Pupils will learn about health and safety in the kitchen. They will learn about basic tools and hygiene in the kitchen. Pupils will develop understanding of nutrition and diet and how this impacts everyday lives. Pupils will research cutting methods and trial these demonstrating their own practical skills. Pupils will be given opportunities to apply research skills to actual dishes encouraging them to adapt. Pupils will be developing evaluating skills after each dish. Pupils will design their own healthy pizza base around the skills and knowledge they have learnt. They will also look at a different culture: Spanish recipes and dishes. (MYP Cross curriculum) This will lead to a final assessment which will be based on a practical. Cooking methods and links to skill level.

Statement of Inquiry

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Key Concept(s)

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Related Concept(s)

To be updated

Topic 1

To inquire using reverse engineering and explore materials, existing bridges. Development of bridges over time and how fairness impacts materials and function.

Topic 2

Develop a range of knowledge to write a specification and final design brief. Revisit drawing techniques and explore them through designing new and innovative ideas.  Create samples through the development of ideas and manipulation of materials.

Topic 3

Learn to use the stanley knives, cutting mats and a range of hand tools safely. Be able to create a plan of make to effectively plan the manufacture. To evaluate using peers and a range of testing techniques.

Statement of Inquiry

To be updated

Key Concept(s)

To be updated

Related Concept(s)

To be updated

Utilise a range of CAD software packages and CAM manufacturing techniques to develop a portable Greenhouse.

By utilising iterative conceptual design techniques the students will understand how CAD / CAM can be used to create unique designs of well researched cultural emblems or designs inspired by cultural references that can then be adapted to suit individual needs.  Develop an understanding of Sustainability of a focus and how CAD/CAM can play a role in reducing waste of resources by creating batch or mass produced products.

Statement of Inquiry

To be updated

Key Concept(s)

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Related Concept(s)

To be updated

Recap: Health and safety/Food Hygiene. Research raising agents and how they impact baking. Researching through practicals and evaluations. Developing understanding of gluten and the dietary requirements surrounding this. How can dishes be adapted to be gluten free? Learn how gluten works within baking. Create dishes using time plans they have made and following recipes. Final assessment in which a product will be made that can be sold within Greggs and will have designed/planned and created. Development of evaluating skills throughout.

Statement of Inquiry

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Key Concept(s)

To be updated

Related Concept(s)

To be updated

Topic 1

Exploration of the contextual brief as well as the SOI. Planning of research based on the SOI and contextual brief. Explore the client IKEA. Look at ways to research and then communicate findings (product analysis, mood boards, surveys, sustainability within design, electronics with some recap on other materials, using jigs and moulds). Conclusion of findings.  A specification and final design brief will be created from the findings showcasing application of knowledge. 

Topic 2

Explore communication techniques along with understanding orthographic projection with regard to presentation within designing. Present a range of ideas using techniques learnt from previous years as well as from the lessons. Career pathways that use drawing such as an industrial designer. Design of lighting using a range of recycled parts and testing using a range of tools and machinery in the workshop developing prototyping and modelling skills. Designs will be communicated through a range of media and techniques and show a variation of ideas that have been annotated demonstrating subject knowledge as application.

Topic 3

Manufacture of lamp shapes independently using a range of methods taught through – Encouraging reconsolidation of subject knowledge and applying understanding. Manufacture and finish  lighting, this will involve developing confidence and competency when using tools/machinery and equipment, considering health and safety. Appropriate selection of tools.  Evaluating and assessment will be encouraged through the manufacturer. Effective evaluation of outcomes and testing in a variety of ways to show objective and subjective feedback.

Statement of Inquiry

To be updated

Key Concept(s)

To be updated

Related Concept(s)

To be updated

Development of a range of skill levels across multiple CAD software packages and CAM manufacturing techniques to develop a flat pack chair that could be used within a “disaster” situation such as a flood, earthquake or homeless shelter.

By utilising iterative conceptual design techniques the students will understand how CAD / CAM can be used to create unique designs that can be adapted to suit individual needs. With an underlining focus on Sustainability students will need to understand how CAD/CAM plays an important role in manufacturing batch or mass produced products that minimises waste of resources.

Statement of Inquiry

To be updated

Key Concept(s)

To be updated

Related Concept(s)

To be updated

Focus on culture and cuisine. Consider food provenance. Exploration of dietary requirements. Planning of dishes and development of practical skills working with raw meats and learning to use the hobs and ovens. Development of multi-tasking, planning and time management. Development of independent skills using a varied amount of equipment.

Statement of Inquiry

To be updated

Key Concept(s)

To be updated

Related Concept(s)

To be updated

KS4 product design

Topic 1

The impact of new and emerging technologies on: industry, enterprise, sustainability, people, culture, society, the environment, production techniques, systems. How the critical evaluation of new and emerging technologies informs design decisions; considering contemporary and potential future scenarios from different perspectives, such as ethics and the environment. How energy is generated and stored in order to choose and use appropriate sources to make products and to power systems. Dragons Den type projects encouraging innovative thinking and designing. 

Topic 2

Developments in modern and smart materials, composite materials and technical textiles. Exploration of these materials through investigations tasks as well as testing. Design tasks.

Topic 3

Papers and boards. Natural and manufactured timber. Ferrous and nonferrous metals. Natural, synthetic, blended and mixed fibres, and woven, non-woven and knitted textiles. Exploration and investigation of these topics through mini projects that allow pupils to develop skills with computers/ tools/ machinery considering health and safety before practical sessions start. Design and development of ideas through application of subject knowledge.

Topic 1

How electronic systems provide functionality to products and processes, including sensors and control devices to respond to a variety of inputs, and devices to produce a range of outputs. The use of programmable components to embed functionality into products in order to enhance and customise their operation. The functions of mechanical devices, to produce different sorts of movement, changing the magnitude and direction of forces – Students are taught this through live tasks around circuit boards and electronic components. Health and safety addressed and identification of components. Creation of  marble run based on knowledge and content taught around mechanisms.

Topic 2

The sources, origins, physical and working properties of the material categories or the components and systems, and their ecological and social footprint. The way in which the selection of materials or components is influenced by a range of factors, such as functional, aesthetic, environmental, availability, cost, social, cultural and ethical. The impact of forces and stresses on materials and objects and the ways in which materials can be reinforced and stiffened. Stock forms, types and sizes in order to calculate and determine the quantity of materials or components required. Alternative processes that can be used to manufacture products to different scales of production. Specialist techniques and processes that can be used to shape, fabricate, construct and assemble a high quality prototype, including techniques such as wastage, addition, deforming and reforming, as appropriate to the materials and/or components being used. Appropriate surface treatments and finishes that can be applied for functional and aesthetic purposes This is taught through a small based task which involves designing and making tasks – The focus around bird houses. Design and manufacture of a bird house.

Design brief released by the exam board on the 1st June. Contextual briefs are explored. Reconsolidation of the design process and the stages involved. Exploration of all briefs to enable the choice of one to follow through as a design and make task.

Topic 1

Coursework – Consideration of a final design brief. Research and write a design brief. Exploration of a specification. Consideration of  quantitative and qualitative data within the specification. Use information from research to create an objective and measurable specification. Consider design skills and recap of drawing skills and communication skills. Design ideas. THEORY – Completion of theory every 2 weeks that will cover the topics from Yr10.

Topic 2

Presentation of  ideas using a range of communication skills. Application and presentation within the coursework based on the brief. Choose one idea and develop it through a range of methods drawing/CAD/making prototypes/CAM. Presentation evident within work and sketch books to lead to a final design. Final ideas will be presented and a time plan created.

Topic 3

Health and safety –  to safely use a range of tools and processes to create a product based on final designs and time plans created. THEORY – Completion of theory every 2 weeks that will cover the topics from Yr10.

Topic 1

2.1 Evaluation of the final product using a range of methods that enable pupils to explore improvements and changes based on final outcomes. THEORY – Completion of theory every 2 weeks that will cover the topics from Yr10.

Topic 2

Completion of a range of revision tasks based on the gaps. Activities and tasks set to help enhance subject knowledge. THEORY – Completion of theory every 2 weeks that will cover the topics from Yr10. 

ks4 food & nutrition

Topic 1

Nutrition – Recap on nutrition and the concept of provenance, and how this commodity is grown. Classification of fruits and vegetables, processing including storage and food hygiene and safety. Nutritional values (include sources, functions, deficiencies, excess, daily requirements). Dietary considerations – specifically to fruits and vegetables, Enzymic Browning.

Topic 2

Diet and Good Health – Consider what a ‘Healthy diet’ looks like and explore the eat well plate along with diet plans. Exploring dietary and religious needs and the impact they have on menu plans or requirements. How do dietary plans vary for a range of people? Creation of a dietary plan for a given person.

Topic 1

Food Science – Exploration of the science behind food and why it reacts to different stimuli and ingredients/ cooking methods.  

Topic 2

Food spoilage/ food provenance – Food spoilage: Exploring what spoils food, how to stock them and preserve them. What safe cooking is? FOOD PACKAGING: Consider why food packaging is needed and the types of packing there are. Food provenance: Exploring where particular foods are from.

Topic 1

Cultures and cuisines / Technological developments – Factors influencing cuisine; Consideration of  migration and how geography can impact foods and flavours. Exploration of religions and culture and how food and flavours can change by varying influences.   Technological changes: Explore what is meant by technological developments in food and how factors can impact food technology. Explore how companies and new developments in ingredients impact developments of foods along with the processing of food. Factors affecting food choice: Researching the labelling on food and how this can communicate with and influence the consumers. Explore the importance of labelling and why it is essential. Consideration of marketing/ culture and religion as well as cost of food and poverty.

Topic 2

Commodities – Introduce/recap on concept of provenance, and how commodities are grown and processed. Explore how a commodity is reared/grown and processed and the importance of  storage, food hygiene and safety nutritional values (include sources, functions, deficiencies, excess, daily requirements)

Dietary considerations – specifically to soya, tofu, beans, nuts, seeds.

Topic 1

NEA1 Brief released 1st September – Introduction to the NEA1 brief. Exploration of the brief and initial development of ideas on the brief. Creation of a personalised portfolio of evidence to record all findings and research. Experimentation to test out hypotheses and documentation of experiments and evaluation of findings through a range of testing techniques.

Topic 2

NEA2 Brief released 1st November – Introduction to the NEA2 brief.  Exploration of the brief and initial development of ideas on the brief. Completion of a number of research tasks to enable a range of ideas using primary and secondary sources. Development of trial dishes to test flavours and presentation. Evaluation of trial dishes. 3-hour timed session to cook the dishes set within the given NEA2 task. Recording of the final outcome and evaluation using a range of testing techniques.

Recording of findings within a portfolio. Refinement of trial dishes to test  flavours and presentation. Evaluation of trial dishes. 3-hour timed session to further practise the dishes set within the given NEA2 task. Recording of the final outcome and evaluation using a range of testing techniques.

Revision on exam practice and exam questions. Recap of commodities and develop links within all the topics.

ks4 hospitality & catering

Topic 1

Introduction to the structure within the industry and the different job requirements, working conditions and responsibilities. Exploration of the factors that affect the success of hospitality and catering providers.   

Topic 2

Exploration of how a kitchen operates, understanding the workflow of a kitchen, staffing and  how the front of house staff operate and how both areas meet customers requirements

Topic 1

Explore the  importance of health and safety, understanding personal safety responsibilities when in the workplace. Develop understanding of the  possible risks and the different control measures that can be put in place gaining an understanding on a risk assessment. 

Topic 2

Develop understanding of food related causes of ill health which will explore symptoms of food induced ill health and the different types of food poisoning. Exploration of the role and responsibility of the environmental health officer and how food safety legislations are put in place and used to ensure food safety.

Develop prior knowledge from LO1 to be able to propose types of provision using advantages and disadvantages to meet customer needs and requirements.

Topic 1

Independent investigation –  AC 1.1: Function of nutrients in the body

AC 1.2: Needs of specific groups 

AC 1.3: Unsatisfactory Nutritional Intake 

AC 1.4: Effects of cooking on the Nutrients    

Practical cooking lesson each week developing high level skills and presentation techniques.

Topic 2

Planning – AC 2.1: Factors to consider when proposing dishes for menus

AC 2.2: Environmental concerns when planning Menus                                                

AC 2.3: How to meet customer requirements when planning a menu

AC 2.4: Plan the production of Dishes

Topic 1

Introduction to the NEA brief. Completion of a  portfolio in a controlled assessment including the practical make.

Topic 2

Making the dishes – AC3.1 Use techniques in preparation of commodities

AC3.2 Assure quality of commodities to be used in food preparation

AC3.3 Use techniques in cooking of commodities

AC3.4 Complete dishes using presentation techniques

AC3.5 Use food safety practices

KS5 product design

Topic 1

Theory – Development of knowledge of 3D modelling, rapid prototyping, 3D printing, ICT generated modelling, primary and secondary research, analysing problems, design strategies, designers, environmental design, testing materials and products, ergonomics and anthropometrics, CAD, innovation and design proposals. Coursework – Primary and secondary research, analysing problems and working on personalised contextual briefs.

Topic 2

Theory – Development of knowledge of working properties, natural materials, synthetic materials, composite materials, regenerated materials, smart materials, stock forms, alloys, finishing materials, joining materials,  knock down fittings. Coursework – Creation and development of design brief and specification based on quantitative and qualitative data.

Topic 1

Theory – Development of knowledge of industrial processes, scales of production, manufacture methods, organisation in the industry and JIT.

Topic 2

Theory – Development of knowledge of stages in production, project management, quality Control/ quality assurance, build quality, CAM. Coursework –  What is a specification?

Topic 1

Theory – Development of knowledge of visible attributes, modern design, standards, quality marks on products, comparing products through evaluation, evolution of products, environmental issues and intellectual property. Coursework –  Design and development.

Topic 2

Theory – Development of knowledge of risk assessment, build quality, environmental design, planned obsolescence. Coursework – Manufacture of product.

Topic 1

Theory – Development of knowledge of customer requirements, incremental changes in products, technology push and market pull, product life cycle,  Four Ps 

Coursework – Testing of final product using a range of evaluating techniques. Consideration of the original specification, impact on the environment and sustainability, physical testing, using surveys and questionnaires to create improvements and new solutions. Exploration of prototyping.

Topic 2

Exam technique 

Topic 1

Knowledge review – Review of knowledge through mini investigations and a range of practical tasks

Topic 2

Exam technique