Course Description

The new Level 3 course works in collaboration with employers and representatives from Higher Education and relevant professional bodies with updated content. The specification allows students the opportunity to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes required in the sector. The mandatory and optional content provides a balance of breadth and depth, while retaining a degree of choice for individual learners to study content relevant to their own interests and progression choices.

How will I be assessed?

Assessment is specifically designed to fit the purpose and objective of the qualification. It includes a range of assessment types and styles suited to vocational qualifications in the sector. Students will be assessed either by examinations (68%) where all learners will take the same assessment at the same time, or through set tasks (32%) where learners take the assessment during a defined window and demonstrate understanding through completion of a vocational coursework. This is a two-year course and if students do not complete both years, they will not achieve the qualification.

What could I do next?

This qualification provides an introduction to the industry for students looking to build a career in sport, within one of its occupational areas. These areas include careers in exercise and fitness, coaching and leadership, sports development and outdoor education.