When students are in Year 11 they are able to choose their future options in line with the Raising of the Participation Age.
This process starts in the September prior to students taking their GCSE examinations. Throughout Year 11 students are supported with the option process and offer support and guidance. This includes a Post-16 assembly, information on Mascalls Sixth Form, attending careers fair and support with applications.
What are my Post–16 Options?
Sixth Form
If you are interested in attending Mascalls Academy Sixth Form
- Attend the Sixth Form Options Evening
- Entry requirements are five GCSE Level 5 or above, including English & Maths
- Research specific subject entry requirements
- Speak to teachers regarding predicted grades and aptitude for A Level study
- Check Options Grid
- Subjects you are good at
- Subjects you will enjoy studying
- Does studying A Level’s meet you career goals
- Do you want to remain in a setting that you are familiar with
- Do you meet the entry requirements
- There are no compulsory subjects that must be taken at A Level
Sixth Form Documents
If you are interested in attending a College
- Attend Open Days and Information Evenings
- Check course entry requirements to determine the most appropriate course level
- Research specific subject course content
- Visit college websites to learn more about course and colleges
- Attend Taster Days if available
- Subjects you are good at
- Subjects you will enjoy studying
- Does college meet your career goals?
- Do you know the career area you wish to pursue?
- Can you work independently to meet deadlines?
Useful Websites
If you are interested in an Apprenticeship
- You need to be sure of the career area you are interested
- Entry requirements include Maths and English
- You must be 16 years old and upwards
- Keep fully informed and research
- Career goals and area you wish to pursue
- Are you able to work and study
- Can you work independently to meet deadlines?
Useful Websites
Voluntary Work
If you are interested in Voluntary Work
- You must work a minimum of 20 hours per week
Back Up Plans
Always consider a backup plan. You have the opportunity of applying to more than one Post 16 provider. For example:
- If you are applying for Mascalls Sixth Form you should consider a Level 2 course at college
- If you are applying for an apprenticeship, you should consider applying to Sixth Form or College.