Bus Information

If you live more than three miles from the school which the County Council (KCC) has designated as the nearest appropriate school, you can claim free transport to that school. Usually, you will be given a season ticket for public transport or offered a seat on a bus hired by the County Council.  This distance is measured by the shortest walking route.

The Admissions and Transport Team give advice about bus travel and issue bus passes.

More information can be obtained from:

PLEASE NOTE: The Hams travel no longer operates the Lamberhurst and East Peckham routes.
The Lamberhurst bus route is only available for children that qualify and receive a free travel card.   

Bus Timetable 2023-24

When you can apply

You can submit an application at any time during the school year.



Arriva offers an alternative ticket scheme to students using their services. Scholar tickets are for students up to and including Year 11.  Student tickets are for any student (sixth form upwards) regardless of age, as long as they hold a valid student ID.

Kent County Council Free School Travel