In June, the government announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up. Further guidance has now been released ( showing that the money is to be split between a catch-up premium and a national tutoring scheme. The money for the catch up premium is designed to ensure that schools have the support they need for all pupils make up for lost teaching time, and the money for the national tutoring school is designed to provide additional, targeted support for those children and young people who need the most help.
Mascalls COVID catch up premium is expected to be 42,589.00.The government has made it clear that the spending of this money will be down to schools to allocate as they see fit. To support schools to make the best use of this funding, the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has published a support guide for schools with evidence-based approaches to catch up for all students.
Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
Intent – C19 addendum
The wellbeing of our students is best supported through established routines associated with a full curriculum delivery and as familiar as possible timetable, alongside outstanding pastoral provision, SEN support and high expectations. Through thorough COVID remote curricular planning, application of challenge wheel principles, such as explanation, expert modelling, questioning and adaptive assessment designed to identify gaps in learning, staff will be able to deliver an effective quality of provision that will minimise the impact of school closure on student groups and allow for accelerated progress on their return. Mascalls Academy will pare down the subject specific curriculum at each Key Stage to prioritise the main threshold concepts/core knowledge/particular things students need to know or be able to do fluently, subject-by-subject, to make progress.
Implementation – C19 addendum
Through a clearly identified knowledge base, students in all years will have an explicitly defined content supported by knowledge organisers. This will be assessed frequently through high frequency recall and retrieval practice in face to face lessons and reinforced through online formative assessments. Expert modelling and explanation will ensure highly efficient delivery of content and application through deliberate practice linked directly to the planned curriculum. Our teachers will practice responsive teaching, using high-quality formative assessment practice, in all lessons, to check students’ learning, and then tweak our teaching in response to what we learn from the formative assessments in real time. Teachers will support SEN students with key strategies outlined in pupil profiles to ensure progress for all. Where gaps are identified, the use of remote independent learning tasks in Google Classroom and in class differentiation will combine to ensure rapid closure and accelerated progress. Learning mentors will continue to work in conjunction with teaching staff to support the closure of gaps with SEN pupils through interventions and Google Classrooms.
Impact – C19 addendum
Clearly defined knowledge curriculum, expert explanations and modelling accompanied by high frequency recall and retrieval practice supported by a combined remote and face to face approach to learning and independent deliberate practice will result in students making accelerated progress to minimise and overcome the impact of school closure and engagement during the COVID19 academy closure.
Our ‘recovery’ or ‘catch up’ is rooted in familiar structure, high expectations, highly planned curricula and high quality teaching and learning alongside a three tiered approach to ACTion planning.
Ensure that attendance monitoring is a rigorous as possible and investment in the environment provides a safe and welcoming setting so that student’s attendance is as high as it possible can be.
Students physically attending the academy site for face to face provision will make greater progress since the period of lockdown. A safe and welcoming environment and rigorous monitoring will ensure that students are confident in attending the academy.
Ensure that the curriculum planning is as focussed and organised as possible and that assessment identifies gaps efficiently so that teaching can be as effective as possible.
A highly planned curriculum focussed on knowledge acquisition underpinned by the principles of cognitive science and sound formative assessment will ensure that efficient teaching and learning will allow students to make greater progress since the lockdown period
Ensure that students have the opportunity to experience focussed and targeted support outside of timetables where necessary.
Individuals and groups can be targeted for individual or small group support within the curriculum, co-curriculum and holiday sessions to ensure they have every opportunity to make greater progress since the lockdown period.
In addition to our ACTion planning, significant ICT investment will underpin our digital strategy designed to ensure that our staff are highly trained and that students have access to the online resources they require to access a blended approach to learning. Seamlessly merging face to face and remote learning will ensure our approach is sustainable, is able to respond to the rapidly changing local and national context as well as equip our students with the skills required for the modern workplace.
Covid Expenditure Action Plan (Attendance, Curriculum, Time)
- What, action-by-action, we want to do
A single sentence describing what specific thing we are going to action. The questions we need to answer if we are going to realise the specific action, derived from a conversation during the planning stage. - Why?
The argument that justifies why we are taking this specific action. - How
A step-by-step mini-plan to realise the specific action, with completion dates. - Resources
What specific resources are required to fulfill the action
Student attendance is the first strategy in limiting the impact of academy closures and isolation on progress
- Equip year group areas for dining and recreation through
- Demarcate one way systems around the academy
- Enhance to provision of hand sanitiser
- Ensure regular cleaning of high contact areas throughout the academy day
- Increase the number of first aid trained staff within the academy
- Improve on site communications infrastructure to respond more effectively
- Internal and external picnic dining areas and seating
- Guard rail fencing
- Hand sanitiser in every classroom and block entrance
- Employment of additional daytime janitor
- First aid training for 15 further staff
- Purchase of additional radios for staff
Identifying asymptomatic cases earlier will prevent community transmission
- Create Academy testing facility in line with DfE and NHS guidance
- Create testing rotas for staff and students
- Staff training and registration of personnel with national NHS database
- Facilities for Academy testing centre
- Employment of 3 Healthcare Assistants
- To enhance the delivery of the digital strategy
- To limit the impact of self isolations and periods of lockdown or academy closure on student progress
- Develop digital strategy
- Provide devices
- Provide advisory training for students on device use
- Develop support and resource website for students and parents
One to one Chromebook device
- To ensure staff have the skills to deliver effective and efficient blended learning opportunities for students
- To focus teaching on the most effective strategies for blended learning – namely formative assessment, explanation, modelling and deliberate practice
- All teaching staff to achieve Google Level 1 accreditation
- Develop resources and schemes to promote blended learning approach
- All staff to be appointed an instructional coaching partner
- Google assessments
- Instructional coaching ‘walkthru’ – CPD and resource package
To ensure staff have the tools to support efficient delivery of the most effective teaching and learning strategies from ‘behind the line’ and/or remotely
- Investigate ‘behind the line’ teaching practice
- Equip staff for improved explanation, modelling and formative assessment
- Visualisers for all staff
- Screencastify license
- Whiteboard packs for all students
To ensure the statutory obligation to meet with parents can be maintained in a COVID secure digital manner
Conduct parents ‘evenings’ through Schoolcloud virtual parent’s evening solution
Schoolcloud parents evening software
To minimise the impact of closures, isolations and lockdown on students
Identify students most likely to benefit from the provision of additional hours of one to one or small group English and maths tuition.
15 hours of tuition for 120 students
To provide further time to address misconceptions and gap in learning