Principal’s Update – 7th October 2022

Mascalls Academy building.

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week has seen a record number of positive progress points being awarded to our students with three thousand four hundred and sixty-six. This is now over six times higher than any negative logs within Bromcom showing that our high expectation and reinforcement of positive behaviour characteristics is in a very healthy state developing character amongst our students. Over the coming weeks we will see reports including commitment to learning grades replacing attitude to learning grades, knowledge organiser scores and rewards assemblies further recognising the achievements of our wonderful students.

Homework, your help required

As we continuously look to improve, an analysis of lesson conduct reveals that of all the things that can disrupt learning within a lesson, the conduct of our students is not the highest reported. This indicates just as OFSTED and Challenge Partners noted that our students behave impeccably and show the greatest respect for their work, each other and the teacher. The category reporting the highest reported instances is homework completion, and they probably tell you they don’t have any! Studies show that completed homework can add up to five months of progress, so we ask for your help in ensuring homework is completed. Mascalls academy set our homework in Google Classroom, every class your son/daughter is in has a digital Google Classroom where homework is set. Any assignments (homework) appear in your son/daughter’s Google calendar as do any tasks ‘to do’. Please check visually, as frequently as possible using your son/daughter’s Chromebook, their calendar and also each Google Classroom located via the nine dots in the top right hand side of the screen once logged into Chrome.

Our homework tasks range from revision for upcoming knowledge organiser tests to application tasks related to classwork and will impact not just student outcomes but also independence and softer skills required by employers such as meeting deadlines and working independently. If you have any queries regarding homework please contact your son/daughter’s college team or the teacher directly via the Reception email.

Google Classroom Tutorial Screenshot

Mascalls Football

The Mascalls football season is now in full swing with numerous matches in the West Kent Schools League and the Kent Cup. Alongside the football club on Mondays after school which has had on average over 150 students attend. We also extend our gratitude to Barsleys of Paddock Wood who have again supported our football squads in supplying two new kits for the junior and senior squads both being worn this week by the Year 10 and Year 7 football teams. Mr Richard Barsley delivered the kit personally to Year 7 students who then went on to win their game 7-0, a fantastic result. With plenty more games on the horizon we thank Barsleys again for their support of the school and hope this brings success in the future. There is also further sponsorship on the way, we will receive new kits for every boys and girls football teams, a very exciting time for our students!

Football at Mascalls Academy.
Football at Mascalls Academy.

Finally, from me as always, a huge thank you to the parents and carers who continue to support and value the work that we do at Mascalls to ensure the best possible environment, the best possible support and the best possible outcomes for our students and your children.

Yours sincerely,

Mr W Monk